Microsoft Windows 10 – HoloLens

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Microsoft Windows 10 -HoloLens

Here’s Windows 10 Hologram Trailer and Live Demo – Microsoft Windows 10 HoloLens Hologram

This is just awesome, a real 3’D interaction and

Microsoft Windows 10 HoloLens

instant conversion into virtual 3’D. This future technology is definitely gonna be a revolution and is going to evolve a new era of innovation. Highly suitable for people who love or are associated with creative or build work.

The video below shows a demo of how the amazing device HoloLens works and can be used to turn your thought in to practical reality, though you might need some extra gadgets and tweaking for it. Watch the video below and get a peek in to the future…

[responsive_youtube ngVWQvQVxwA]

Hoping to see such things made available to the common man in near future.

Vaibhav Munjaal



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